How Aneja & Aneja can help you in protecting your Intellectual Capital?

Why do we need to protect intellectual property?
Intellectual property protection is quite indispensable to nurture the spirit of innovation and creativity. Unless legally protected, businesses and individuals face crippling impediments in cashing in on their inventions and in the long run, research and development take a back seat. As creators are not fully compensated for their inventions, socio-cultural as well as economic vitality and exuberance are greatly undermined.
Intellectual property protection is quite indispensable to nurture the spirit of innovation and creativity. Unless legally protected, businesses and individuals face crippling impediments in cashing in on their inventions and in the long run, research and development take a back seat. As creators are not fully compensated for their inventions, socio-cultural as well as economic vitality and exuberance are greatly undermined.
IPR laws in India
In India, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) are governed under the Copyright Act, 1957 as amended by the Copyright (Amendment) Act 2012. All matters related to IPRs are handled by the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM). This office now covers protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) too.
India is a signatory to the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement, and Indian statutes, enforcement provisions and methods of dispute resolution with respect to intellectual property protection scrupulously comply with TRIPS. The office of CGPDTM has jurisdiction in various areas of intellectual property such as Trade Marks; Patents; Industrial Designs, and Geographical Indications.
How Aneja & Aneja will help you in the protection of your intellectual capital?
IPR is a major field of legal activity for Aneja & Aneja. We take pride in having served major brands including many multinational companies in the last more than 50 years of our momentous and eventful journey. Our clients trust us in protecting their intellectual property or capital that has become one of the key wealth categories in the globalization era.
We have set a benchmark for legal services in the realm of intellectual property by providing a wide range of high quality but value for money services pertaining to patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyright, and domain disputes. We support the registration as well as the enforcement work for intellectual property owners spread across the Indian sub-continent, besides several other countries. We seamlessly handle the Intellectual Property Rights related work of our clients with utmost proficiency, impeccable quality and a firm commitment to professional ethics.
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